Thursday, November 3, 2011

Organisms Found in Cubic Foot

Lolium perenne
Perennial Ryegrass
The perennial ryegrass is not native to California. Perennial ryegrass can be easily confused with plants, such as Italian ryegrass or the various cupgrasses, because ryegrass is able to hybridize with other types of ryegrass. Ryegrasses thrive in disturbed areas, agricultural lands, and open areas. Something distinct about the perennial ryegrass are their seedling leaves, which are shiny. Perennial ryegrass grow to be about 3’ tall, with flat glossy leaves that are approximately 2-10” long, and have a width of about 2-5 mm.
Eriochloa acuminate
Southwestern Cupgrass
The southwestern cupgrass is native to California, and prospers in moist, disturbed areas. Cupgrass can grow to be 4 feet tall with multiple stems at the base. The leaves are flat and smooth, and about 1-10” long and approximately ½ to 1 cm wide. Southwestern cupgrass is distinct in that it is practically hairless.
Conyza Canadensis
Horseweed Horseweed
Horseweed is native to California and grows in a wet coastal climate and in disturbed areas. The seeds are hairless and a round oval shape and approximately 3 mm long. A mature plant can grow 6 ½’ to 10’ tall, with seed heads resembling that of a dandelion.
Conyza Bonariensis
Hairy Fleabane
Hairy Fleabane can be easily confused with horseweed. A distinguisher between the two is that the hairy fleabanes seedling leaves are a grayish green in color, tapered, and also wrinkled, as oppose to that of the horseweeds. It is a native to California and grows in disturbed and agricultural environments. The fleabane can grow to be about 4’ tall and covered with a variety of length and textured hairs. The hairy fleabane has more branches (typically near the base), and lots of leaves close to the base of the plant. The flower heads are also similar to that of a dandelion.
Sonchus sp.
Sowthistles are native to California and are commonly found in gardens and farms. The sowthistles stem is hollow round pointed leaves. It has a yellow flower head, which later matures into a white and fluffy seed head.