Monday, September 12, 2011

Initial Plant Rx - Part I

1. Chives
Chives are an herb, and the smallest species of the edible onion. Chives need to be germinated in 60 to 70 degrees F temperature, and kept moist. After 4 weeks, the shoots will be ready to be planted out. Chives are perennials, and will grow, harvest, die back, and then return the next year. When growing chives, you want to start in a pot, and then later transplant the herbs outside. When the flowers start to die back,  cut the chives 2 to 3 inches down, and they will grow back. Chives like a pH level of about 6 to 7. Once in the ground, chives do not require feed, unless the soil is especially poor. Keep the chives weed-free and well watered. Due to their sulfur compounds, chives repel insects; chive flowers attract bees.

2. Dill
Dill is another perennial herb, and grows well in direct sunlight for a minimum of 6 hours a day, preferably with some moisture in the air. Plant the seeds in loose soil near the surface; in about 2 weeks, the dill will start to emerge. It prefers rich, well-drained soil. If the air is not moist, then mist your dill. Dill makes a good companion plant for cucumbers.

3. Garlic Chives / Chines Chives/Leeks
Garlic chives are an herb, and like full sun with damp soil. It takes one to three weeks to germinate, and six to seven weeks to harvest. Garlic chive seeds like to be six to nine inches apart from one another. They prefer a pH level of about 6.2 to 6.8.

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