Monday, October 17, 2011

Responses to Questions

1) After Thanksgiving break you return to the HTHMA garden to find that your crops have not been watered in over two weeks. Most of your plants are dead and those that are alive are barely hanging on.  In relation to the process of photosynthesisdescribe what has happened to your plants. 
Our plants will not be recieving water over Thanksgiving break, thus breaking the necesary formula for photosynthesis to occur: H2O + CO2 ----in the presence of light----> O2 + glucose. Our plants then had to start breaking down nutrients in the chlorophyll and the roots in order to survive

2) Upon microscopic inspection of the underside of your plant’s leaves, you notice that in an attempt to conserve water the stomata (aka stomates) are closed. Explain in detail how this impacts the light independent reactions of photosynthesis.
If the stomata are closed, then the plant has haulted the process of photosynthesis and is no longer uptaking CO2. The calvin cycle has been haulted at this point in photosynthesis.

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